Abigail Lucier Hosts Women’s Network in Electronic Transactions (Wnet) Event

4 women coworkers working together at a desk

Last month, VP of Corporate Development Abigail Lucier hosted a panel titled “How Do You Define Success?” for the Women’s Network in Electronic Transactions (Wnet) at Celero headquarters in Nashville. The panel also featured CEO Kevin Jones and Genevieve Dozier, Chief Business Development Officer at Merchant’s PACT. They explored a range of topics together, including career building tips, personal and professional branding, and women in payments.

“This was my first time hosting an event for Wnet, and it was a wonderful experience,” said Abigail. “You can script talking points and create a game plan, but it’s those off-script moments that move me. The ones where you can feel yourself, the audience, and the panelists truly connecting to a topic.” 

Lucier moderated a lively conversation between the panelists and attendees, followed by refreshments, networking, and live entertainment from Nashville’s own Harper Grae and Rand Walter.

“Too often in the world of business, women leaders are written off as less capable than their male counterparts,” said Kevin Jones. “I’m excited to take part in building a future where female professionals are given the respect, responsibility, and trust they deserve. I hope that participating in this event and voicing my support will help women across the industry feel more confident in claiming the seats they’ve earned in the boardroom. Women leaders are going to play a vital role in bringing the payments industry to the next level.”

Lucier views this event as a launching point for a new Wnet chapter she’s starting in the greater Nashville area. She says it will be a space that acknowledges the need for inclusion in the payments industry and sparks important discussions.

“I’m excited to expand our footprint and provide opportunities for women in payments,” she said. “Making the payments industry a more inclusive space should be an overarching goal for all businesses, and organizations like Wnet are catalysts for ensuring that progress continues.”

To learn more about Wnet, visit https://www.wnetonline.org.