Celero Confirm: Streamlined Underwriting

a businessman in a suit holding paper

Before we launched as a company, co-founders Kevin Jones and Jeff Brown made it Celero Commerce’s mission to equip community banks and their armies of small and mid-sized merchants with technology offerings previously reserved for large banks and enterprise-level businesses.  

We’ve stayed true to that mission, as many of you have seen in the software allied under our BANKMAX Compass. Compass is a suite of tools designed to help you, our community bank partners, acquire and grow commercial relationships while driving your non-interest income.  A key element of Compass, in addition to features like friction-less merchant onboarding and lead management, is an underwriting tool called Celero Confirm.

We realized that our liability-holding agent banks needed all the help we could give them with regard to underwriting. The world of electronic payments moves at much greater speed, and the risk comes at you fast. Confirm is an automated underwriting tool that keeps you not only agile, but secure, too. You’ll underwrite the majority of your new merchant deals quickly, while remaining compliant with all major card brands, sponsor banks, and industry regulators. 

Integrated with Compass, Confirm is just another great example of how we believe in our community bank partners. With the right tools for the job, we know you can do anything.