Introducing Our New Partner Support Team

3 coworkers on their computers and smiling

As we continue to grow as a company, we’re always looking for new ways to maximize value for our bank and merchant partners. We believe one of the best ways we can do so is by providing top-notch, real-time support for our clients. That’s why we’re proud to unveil the new Celero Partner Support Team.

We’ve dedicated 14 highly trained and experienced team members to the Partner Support Team, which will handle all inquiries from new merchant accounts to maintenance to technical questions and much more. When you call Partner Support, you’ll hear many of the familiar voices at Celero that you know and trust. You’ll also hear new voices from trained professionals ready to help with any questions or concerns that you may have.

The establishment of this elite customer service force is part of an ongoing effort to integrate our operations and sales teams into one cohesive network. Additionally, it will help maximize the use of our legacy platform, increase product knowledge, and improve overall value to both existing and potential partners.

As part of this reorganization, we are also restructuring our bank and sales support teams due to COVID-19 and increasing workload in some of our most critical areas. This move will allow us to better share platform expertise and manage a larger bandwidth. Kathryn Cox will spearhead relationship management with our financial institutions as Vice President of BankMax, while Amy Arlington will handle BankMax from the operational side as Vice President of Partner Support.

“We feel confident that our FI partners and merchants will be in great hands with the Partner Support Team, and under the leadership of Kathryn and Amy,” said founder and CEO, Kevin Jones. “I can’t think of two people with more experience and expertise than these two.”

The new Partner Support Team can be reached at (615) 376-7878 from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. ET, Monday through Friday. We can now provide our clients with:

  • Experts to help with the Fiserv North and TSYS platforms
  • Product and Level II technical support resources
  • Regular webinars on industry-specific topics like Clover, Compass, dual pricing, risk/underwriting, merchant retention, and more

“We’re thrilled about these changes because we know they will lead to better outcomes for both our employees and partners,” said Kevin. “This reorganization empowers us to deliver that high-tech, high-touch experience at a larger bandwidth.”

Stay tuned for video segments introducing the new Partner Support Team!